Why LeTip?

Our people first, relationship driven business networking model will grow your business

Dollars In Your Pocket

Through weekly tips, you will get quality leads, grow your business through new contacts, and create more revenue in your business.

Better Public Speaking

Speaking in front of others is essential to growing your business. Each week you'll have an opportunity to hone your message with your business pitch.

Loyalty and Friendships

LeTip is like a family. You will find that your fellow members are loyal, not only to learning about your business, but also helping you grow your business.

Source of Referrals

Recommending the right person or business to family, friends, and clients is a much better experience when you know someone you can trust.

Psychic Income

Helping others achieve their goals and grow their business stimulates positive vibes. The feel good factor is real and part of the giver's gain mentality.


People First

At LeTip, we are in the business of passing tips to grow each other’s business. To achieve this goal, our business leads networking group builds lasting, sustainable relationships between members.

Structure and Accountability

Each LeTip chapter is run like a business. Our structured weekly meeting is the engine that drives our success. Turning chapter members into an informed, engaged sales force requires weekly meetings.


Lasting Relationships

Monthly visitations enable members of our business leads networking group to learn and share about each other’s business. In time, every chapter member becomes well versed on all the businesses in the chapters, giving them the knowledge to tip more intelligently.

Personal Growth

By giving their own 30 second commercial during weekly meetings and 10 minute presentations on a rotating basis, members of our business leads networking group hone their public speaking skills and fine tune their brand messaging.


Harnessing Technology

Access to LeTip Wired provides members with advanced tools to network with more power and pivot their business quickly as market conditions change.

No Outside Speakers

Members take turns as our weekly speakers because in LeTip it's all about our members’ business growth.

LeTip Core Values


Honesty in all actions.

“Do the right thing.”


Trust and faith in all relationships.

“All for one, One for all.”


A feeling based on conviction and strongly held desires and beliefs.

“From the heart.”


Follow through until you accomplish your desired outcome.

“We practice stick-to-it-tiveness.”


Accepting the responsibility for our actions, behavior, and choices.

“If it’s to be, it’s up to me.”


Performing above and beyond normal expectations while adhering to the highest standards.

“The best—without peer."

LeTip’s Core Values and Guiding Principle exemplify the LeTip culture. These ideals guide us in our everyday actions, define who we are and how we conduct business. Our words not only inspire us, but they remind us that true success is measured by how we—as individuals and collectively—apply them in our everyday lives.

Keep true to these statements and good business practices will follow. When you look for others to join your chapter, look for those who conduct their businesses just as you do, by utilizing these values.