People First
At LeTip, we are in the business of passing tips to grow each other’s business. To achieve this goal, our business leads networking group builds lasting, sustainable relationships between members.
Structure and Accountability
Each LeTip chapter is run like a business. Our structured weekly meeting is the engine that drives our success. Turning chapter members into an informed, engaged sales force requires weekly meetings.
Lasting Relationships
Monthly visitations enable members of our business leads networking group to learn and share about each other’s business. In time, every chapter member becomes well versed on all the businesses in the chapters, giving them the knowledge to tip more intelligently.
Personal Growth
By giving their own 30 second commercial during weekly meetings and 10 minute presentations on a rotating basis, members of our business leads networking group hone their public speaking skills and fine tune their brand messaging.
Harnessing Technology
Access to LeTip Wired provides members with advanced tools to network with more power and pivot their business quickly as market conditions change.
No Outside Speakers
Members take turns as our weekly speakers because in LeTip it's all about our members’ business growth.